About the Campaigns Library
The Campaigns Library is a project of the Online Progressive Engagement Network, in partnership with Purpose, MobLab and the Developer Society. We aim to provide a space for progressives to share best practice in everything Campaigns, from tech to strategy and beyond. Users can choose to share resources publicly, or privately within groups.
The Campaigns Library Platform – a resource management tool
The Campaigns Library, our own platform and information architecture system, is fully open source – you can easily create your own Group and associated Workspace, allowing you to create your own resource management tool. The Campaigns Library includes:
- Advanced search and categorization
- User interactions – ability for users to upload their own resources, comment, and rate resources by their usefulness
- Leaderboards for most active users (by resources uploaded)
- Secure login for group workspaces
The Campaigns Library is primarily run on Django. If you'd like to go further and access the open source code of the platform, join us on GitHub here with the brilliant team at Dev who built the initial platform with us.